D. Catizone, T.M. Thomas, C.M. Romagosa, and M.M. Lamont. 2024. Demography of a Previoulsy Undocumented Diamondback Terrapin Population. Estuaries and Coasts
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D. Catizone, T.M. Thomas, C.M. Romagosa, and M.M. Lamont. 2024. Demography of a Previoulsy Undocumented Diamondback Terrapin Population. Estuaries and Coasts
Thomas, Travis M, Kevin M Enge, Eric Suarez, Paul Schueller, Brittany Bankovich, and Erin H. Leone. 2024. Home Range and Habitat Selection of the Suwannee Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys Suwanniensis) in the Suwannee River, Florida. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 22(2): 2–10
Barry, S.C., M.D. Smith, B. Heres,T. M. Thomas, B.J. Hall-Scharf, and H. J. Brockmann. 2023. Water temperature and season length interact to explain a rare non-linear ecogeographical cline in body size. Journal of Biogeography, 2023;00:1 -15.
Thomas, Travis M, Eric Suarez, Kevin Enge, Savanna C Barry, and Steve A Johnston. 2023. “Variation in Relative Abundance and Body Size of the Suwannee Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys suwanniensis) in the Suwannee River. Southeastern Naturalist 22(12): 264-274.
Enge, Kevin M. Jonathan Mays, Travis M. Thomas, Pierson Hill, Tucker Stonecypher, and Matthew Fedler. 2023. Distribution and Relative Abundance of Macrochelys (Alligator Snapping Turtles) in the Florida Panhandle. Southeastern Naturalist, 22(12):359-377.
Denton, Mathew, Gerald R. Johnston, Travis M. Thomas, J. Hardin Waddle, Susan C. Walls, and Kristen M. Hart. 2023. Dietary Niche of Three Omnivorous Turtle Species in a Northern Florida River: Insights from Stable Isotope Analysis. Southeastern Naturalist, 22(12):359-377.